Tuesday 17 January 2012

Introductory Blog

Hi to all! This is my first blog not only for the class ALES 204, but my first one ever. So please bear with me as I explore this digital landscape.
I am currently in my second year at the U of A, although this is my first year in the faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental sciences. I am taking Human Ecology with a major in textile and material culture and a minor in interiors, ultimately leading me at one point to have a career in interior designing.

From what I've already gathered from sharing this earth with social media such as Facebook, is that this type of communication is not only starting to control almost any interaction between personal relations between people, but it is slowly creeping into other worlds that previously focused on traditional means of communication, the business and academic world. I find that this communication is already important to me when I am trying to communicate with friends and relatives that otherwise would be more difficult and most importantly expensive. But now social media is starting to leave its mark on more than just communication on a personal level. I found it interesting when I was reading in At SciAm for #scio12: Blogging and the Next Generation Science Conference, an article off http://scientopia.org/blogs that now scientific communities are using social media to exchange ideas and discoveries in the science world.

So I have started to consider how exactly it affects me and most importantly how it will affect me in the future. A while ago I read this article about employers stalk potential employees on Facebook to see if there is anything on there that warns them why they would not want you working for them. So here is one example this communication can affect me in the future. My social media pages are a window to who I am and how I communicate with the world. But this is pretty general so out of curiosity I went to Google and put in "interior design and social media", and I came up with this site: interior design and social media. This website along looked at how social media can aid an interior designer and their business. I believe its safe to say that if I could find a site talking about social media being a means of communication for interior designers, there are probably a lot of other professionals and business that use it too.

So to end all this, I think it would not be too crazy of me to think that this communication will have an impact on my future (even in more ways too) just like it already affects me in the present. Social media is not diminishing at any rate; in fact it is only growing and seeping into almost any area that involves some type of communication. So pretty much, it won't be long till we don’t even need to open our mouths anymore to talk.



1 comment:

  1. Erin,

    As ALES draws to a close, it is interesting to look back on an intro blog! I feel like a lot of us had never blogged before and did not really know what to think about it. I feel like now blogging is something we all feel comfortable doing, which just goes to show how quickly we can adapt to using social media. I really agree with what you mentioned about how social media is growing at an extremely fast pace, it is interesting to think about where it will grow from here!
